So, what now?

The initial shock is over and the dust has somewhat settled. The US has elected Donald Trump as their next president. On January 20th, a racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobe will move in to the White House and become the new leader of the free world. There is no telling what kind of president the Donald might turn out to be. When it comes down to specifics, he’s kept his cards close to his chest (maybe because they’re really bad cards) and the whole world in suspense. Instead, he has promised grand, terrifying things (Rambogin, 2016), like a great wall and a witch-hunt on marginalized minorities  (almost like he’s never read a history book). Many believe he’s about to steer America and the rest of the world of a cliff. Is it time to panic now?

No, do not panic! Trump might be president, but that does not mean he has infinite power. Here’s what a president cannot do:

First of all, the American democracy is specifically designed to prevent a totalitarian dictatorship. The system of checks and balances prevents any of the three branches of government from gaining too much power (Johnsen, 2010). Trump may be the most powerful man in the world, but luckily, the worlds most powerful man has many babysitters.

Secondly, the president cannot overturn any Supreme Court decision (Supreme Court, Unknown). If the Supreme Court has previously deem something unconstitutional, the decision usually stands. There have been instances where Supreme Court decisions have been overturned, but this is a long and difficult process and not very likely to happen, no matter who Trump appoints as a Supreme Court Justice. This includes Obergefell v. Hodges, which secures same-sex marriage,  Roe v. Wade which gives a woman the right to make choices regarding her own body,  and the Miranda Rights.

Most important of all, Trump cannot start World War III on his own. The power to declare war lies entirely on the Congress (Cliffsnotes, Unkown). While the President can make emergency decisions concerning national security, they need to notify Congress immediately, giving them the power to overturn the Presidents decision.

All in all, the Presidents powers are limited without support from the Congress. Given how Trump does not have the entire Republican party behind him, making good on his grandiose promises from his campaign will be easier said than done.

And here is what you can do:

VOTE! In two years, one thirds of the seats in the Senate will be up for election. Paint it blue again!

DONATE! Here is a great list over charities and non-profits that might be defunded under a Trump administration. Make sure they can continue to do their good work.

LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD! The most dangerous thing you could do now is to be silent and complacent. Protest (peacefully)! Petition! Educate yourself on the processes of government! Donald Trump is a spoiled child who’ve never been told no. Fight him every step of the way. In four years, vote him out of the White House for good.


Cliffsnotes (Unknown). The Powers of the President. Downloaded 10.11.16 from:

Johnsen C. V. (2010). Checks and Balances. Downloaded 10.11.16 from:

Ramgobin, R. (2016). Watch Donald Trump’s Most Controversial Moments during his Presidental Campaign. Downloaded 10.11.16 from:

Rothkopf, J. (2016). A List of Pro-Women, Pro-Immigrant, Pro-Earth, Anti-Bigotry Organizations That Need Your Support. Downloaded 10.11.16 from:

Supreme Court (Unknown). FAQ. Downloaded 10.11.16 from: